The Byzantine Influence Can Be Seen in Kiev's Government Because

Dumbarton Oaks Papers

journal article

Byzantine Political Ideas in Kievan Russia

Dumbarton Oaks Papers

Published By: Dumbarton Oaks, Trustees for Harvard University

Dumbarton Oaks Papers

https://world wide web. jstor .org/stable/1291093



Journal Information

The Dumbarton Oaks Papers (DOP) were founded in 1941for the publication of manufactures relating to belatedly antique, early medieval, andByzantine civilization in the fields of art and compages, history, archaeology,literature, theology, and police. Publication was suspended during World State of war II,and resumed in 1946 as collections of occasional papers, primarily by facultymembers resident at the research plant. At commencement, DOP appearedirregularly, but in the mid-1950s it began to exist published on an annual basis.It now includes articles past a wide array of international Byzantinists and featurespapers from annual symposia, miscellaneous articles, and reports on fieldworkprojects sponsored by Dumbarton Oaks. Volumes currently boilerplate 300-400 pages.Since 1999 (Vol. 53) DOP has been fabricated available in digital formthrough the Dumbarton Oaks website at

Publisher Information

Dumbarton Oaks is a research constitute, located in the Georgetown section of Washington, D.C., that includes collections of Byzantine and Pre-Columbian art, as well every bit a collection of manuscripts, drawings, prints, and rare books relating to all aspects of garden history. The institute is housed on an estate formerly owned past Robert Wood and Mildred Barnes Elation, who conveyed their house, art collections, and gardens to Harvard University in 1940. There are three programs of research at Dumbarton Oaks: Byzantine studies, Pre-Columbian studies, and studies in the history of gardens and mural compages. The institute offers fellowships in all three areas of study, and also organizes symposia, colloquia, seminars, and public lectures. The inquiry is supported by an extensive library of approximately 250,000 volumes and past major photo archives.


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